When considering the global religious landscape, it is easy to become overwhelmed with the what you may see or experience. The narrow-minded populace may put an emphasis on isolation within one's own congregation or church community. Sasami no Kami is a global religion in the sense that you can carry it with you, take it wherever you like, and know that Sasami is happy to help.

Many of the world religions deify a person, animals, or even abstract concepts. Sasami no Kami is no different in this respect. Sasami herself is a fictional character and is therefore an anthropomorphized abstract concept. She is a philosophical idea incarnate, a mixture of imagination and performance. Sasami is just as relevant as any deity in any religion.

Sasami, as an Infinite Being, is the embodiment of love and generosity, power and strength, and royalty and commonality. While other characters from the “Tenchi Muyo!” series are also worthy of praise, it is Sasami is who is the closest to being pure of heart. As such, through her various incarnations and reimagining’s, Sasami is a powerful force for good and love throughout the universe as it is interpreted through the “Tenchi Muyo!” anime series and its many sequels. Unlike the other characters, Sasami has proven herself to be the most mature out of the female cast.
In future updates I will add more to the Sasami no Kami shrine, and the Tao of Sasami. Please be virtuous and patient as I very slowly progress in trying to find the proper nomenclature to discuss Sasami as both a holy being and a deity.
Sasami be praised! Banzai!